Dance classes


In accordance with Government Guidelines and Linton Village College we are allowed a maximum of 6 people in the studio and the good news is couples may dance together. We very much want to make a start to bring dancing back, but you will appreciate there will be limited spaces available. Some flexibility will be […]

Dance classes

Further update

The time will soon be here to get back to dancing but with some slightly different measures in place for the safety of us and our dancers. We are hoping that the majority of our classes will remain at Linton Village College and we have already had some initial contact with the organiser of the […]

Dance classes

We will be reopening soon

Following the Government’s recent announcement that dance studios may open from the 25th July, we are now considering bringing our dance classes back. We are however awaiting further guidelines from our professional dancing body the UKA. Once we have further information we will be in touch with you all again. Please could you send me […]

Dance classes


Due to the government guidance on social distancing, dance classes are suspended until further notice.